Prime Minister Krivokapić talked with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce

Prime Minister Krivokapić talked with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce



Prime Minister Krivokapić talked with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce

The Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapić talked with the delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro, led by the AmCham President of the Board of Governors , Nikola Tripković.

Prime Minister said that the Government of Montenegro is ready for all forms of cooperation with AmCham Montenegro, in order to improve the business environment in Montenegro, which is the goal of the AmCham.

The American Chamber of Commerce emphasized that their desire is to be a true partner to the Government, which is why in April 2017, they created the “Partnership for a Better Business Environment” Program.

“The basic idea of ​​this platform is that the representatives of the ministries join the representatives of the companies, which are our members, and jointly define certain problems that exist in the business environment and  improve them. In this way of cooperation, the basic goal of this program is achieved, and that is to raise the level of mutual understanding between the private and public sector “, said representatives of the AmCham Montenegro.

AmCham Delegation presented seven committees within AmCham, whose core values ​​are socially responsible business and sustainable development. Activities in the Health Committee are very intensive because our members are the strongest pharmaceutical companies in the world and we have been working for years to make a significant contribution to the development of health in Montenegro.

Prime Minister Krivokapić said that key areas of the AmCham activities, digital transformation, development of human capital and suppression of the gray economy, are also commitments of the Government of Montenegro.
