Regional AmCham Conference in Tirana

Regional AmCham Conference in Tirana



Regional AmCham Conference in Tirana

The Executive Director of AmCham Montenegro, Mr. Edin Seferović, participated in a conference of regional AmChams’ titled “A Joint Perspective of Regional AmChams”, which was held in Tirana on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Representatives of AmChams’ and Embassies of the United States in Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro discussed closer regional cooperation and better advocating the interest of business in the region. Also on the meeting agenda was how to attract more investments and making the region’s business climate more open for American and other foreign investments.

The first AmCham regional conference aimed at gathering the AmChams’ of the region was used to send a strong message about the importance of a coherent regional market in order to make it more stable and lucrative, thus more attractive for foreign investments. Regional AmChams’ agreed upon making their cooperation more intense by organizing annual meetings to discuss common business issues between Presidents, Board Members and Executive Directors of AmChams’. Likewise, some of the key conclusions of the meeting were to organize a regional AmCham conference in the USA focusing on presenting the potential for investing in the Region as a single market and the need for coordinating AmChams’ efforts with the European Union’s Southeast Europe 2020 Strategy.
